--- - name: apt install libgpiod2 apt: name=libgpiod2 cache_valid_time=7200 state=present - name: pip install adafruit-circuitpython-dht pip: name: adafruit-circuitpython-dht executable: pip3 - name: Install script config template: src=dht22_sensing.json dest=/etc/dht22_sensing.json - name: Install script copy: src=dht22_sensing.py dest=/usr/bin/dht22_sensing owner=root mode=u+rwx - name: Install systemd service file copy: src=dht22_sensing.service dest=/lib/systemd/system/ - name: Add script to autostart and start now systemd: name=dht22_sensing state=started enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes - name: Add to sysdweb include_role: name: pi-sysdweb vars: sysdweb_name: dht22_sensing