--- - name: Packages apt: name: - python3 - python3-pip - python3-vlc # also in venv - but this installs vlc + deps - samba - name: Checkout Musicmouse repo ansible.builtin.git: repo: 'ssh://git@git.bauer.tech:2222/martin/musicmouse.git' dest: '/opt/musicmouse' version: 'release/1.1' accept_hostkey: true - name: Create and update virtual env ansible.builtin.pip: requirements: /opt/musicmouse/espmusicmouse/host_driver/requirements.txt virtualenv: /opt/musicmouse_venv virtualenv_command: "/usr/bin/python3 -m venv" - name: Create media directory file: path: /media/musicmouse state: directory - name: Install config file copy: src=config.yml dest=/media/musicmouse/config.yml - name: Install systemd service file copy: src=musicmouse.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/ - name: Add script to autostart and start now systemd: name=musicmouse state=restarted enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes - name: Samba setup copy: src=smb.conf dest=/etc/samba/ - name: Restart samba systemd: name=smbd state=restarted enabled=yes # manual steps: # - set samba passwords with smbpasswd # - copy music into /media/musicmouse (or via samba share) # - upload host driver? # - manual patching of hassclient necessary :( loop has to be passed in, to not use running_event_loop