esphome: name: test-dmx esp32: board: wt32-eth01 framework: type: arduino api: encryption: key: !secret api_encryption_key # Enable logging logger: wifi: ssid: WLAN password: !secret wifi_password external_components: - source: type: git url: "" ref: master uart: - id: "uart_dmx1" rx_pin: 2 tx_pin: 4 # the pin where the transmission happens connected to tx (not reversed) stop_bits: 2 baud_rate: 250000 dmx512: - id: dmx1 uart_id: uart_dmx1 tx_pin: 4 uart_num: 1 periodic_update: true force_full_frames: true #update_interval: 100 #custom_break_len: 176 output: - platform: dmx512 channel: 1 universe: dmx1 id: test_licht_r - platform: dmx512 channel: 2 universe: dmx1 id: test_licht_g - platform: dmx512 channel: 3 universe: dmx1 id: test_licht_b light: - platform: rgb name: test_licht red: test_licht_r green: test_licht_g blue: test_licht_b restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF