((LitElement) => { console.info( '%c MULTIPLE-ENTITY-ROW %c 3.5.1 ', 'color: cyan; background: black; font-weight: bold;', 'color: darkblue; background: white; font-weight: bold;', ); const html = LitElement.prototype.html; const css = LitElement.prototype.css; const UNAVAILABLE = 'unavailable'; const UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; class MultipleEntityRow extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { _hass: {}, _config: {}, state: {}, } } static get styles() { return css` :host { display: flex; align-items: center; } .flex { flex: 1; margin-left: 16px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; min-width: 0; } .info { flex: 1 0 60px; cursor: pointer; } .info, .info > * { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .flex ::slotted(*) { margin-left: 8px; min-width: 0; } .flex ::slotted([slot="secondary"]) { margin-left: 0; } .secondary, ha-relative-time { display: block; color: var(--secondary-text-color); } hui-warning { width: 100%; } state-badge { flex: 0 0 40px; cursor: pointer; } .icon-small { width: auto; } .entity { text-align: center; cursor: pointer; } .entity span { font-size: 10px; color: var(--secondary-text-color); } .entities-row { flex-direction: row; display: inline-flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .entities-row .entity { margin-right: 16px; } .entities-row .entity:last-of-type { margin-right: 0; } .entities-column { flex-direction: column; display: flex; align-items: flex-end; justify-content: space-evenly; } .entities-column .entity div { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; }`; } render() { return this.state.stateObj ? html`
${this.state.entities.map(entity => this.renderEntity(entity))} ${this.state.value ? html`
${this.stateHeader && html`${this.stateHeader}`}
` : null}
` : html` ${this._hass.localize('ui.panel.lovelace.warning.entity_not_found', 'entity', this._config.entity)} `; } renderMainState() { if (this.state.toggle) return this.renderToggle(this.state.stateObj); const unit = this.state.unit && !this.state.unavailable ? ` ${this.state.unit}` : null; return html`${this.renderValue(this.state)}${unit}`; } renderSecondaryInfo() { if (this.lastChanged) return html``; if (this.state.info) { const name = this.state.info.name ? `${this.state.info.name} ` : null; const unit = this.state.info.unit && !this.state.info.unavailable ? ` ${this.state.info.unit}` : null; return html`${name}${this.renderValue(this.state.info)}${unit}`; } } renderToggle(stateObj) { return html``; } renderValue(entity) { if (entity.unavailable || !entity.format) return entity.value; if (entity.format === 'duration') return html`${this.secondsToDuration(entity.value)}`; if (entity.format.startsWith('precision')) { const precision = parseInt(entity.format.slice(-1), 10); return html`${parseFloat(entity.value).toFixed(precision)}`; } return html``; } renderIcon(entity) { return html``; } renderEntityValue(entity) { if (entity.toggle) return this.renderToggle(entity.stateObj); if (entity.icon !== undefined) return this.renderIcon(entity); const unit = entity.unit && !entity.unavailable ? ` ${entity.unit}` : null; return html`${this.renderValue(entity)}${unit}`; } renderEntity(entity) { return entity ? html`
` : null; } setConfig(config) { if (!config.entity) throw new Error('Please define a main entity.'); if (config.entities) { config.entities.map(entity => this.checkEntity(entity)); } this.checkEntity(config.secondary_info); this.lastChanged = config.secondary_info === 'last-changed'; this.stateHeader = config.state_header !== undefined ? config.state_header : null; this.onRowClick = this.getAction(config.tap_action, config.entity); this._config = config; } set hass(hass) { this._hass = hass; if (hass && this._config) { const mainStateObj = hass.states[this._config.entity]; this.state = mainStateObj ? { ...this.state, stateObj: mainStateObj, name: this.entityName(this._config.name, mainStateObj), value: this._config.show_state !== false ? this.entityStateValue(mainStateObj) : null, unit: this._config.unit === false ? null : (this._config.unit || mainStateObj.attributes.unit_of_measurement), unavailable: [UNKNOWN, UNAVAILABLE].includes(mainStateObj.state), toggle: this.checkToggle(this._config, mainStateObj), format: this._config.format || false, style: this.entityStyles(this._config), entities: this._config.entities ? this._config.entities.map(entity => this.initEntity(entity, mainStateObj)) : [], info: this.lastChanged ? null : typeof this._config.secondary_info === 'string' ? {value: this._config.secondary_info} : this.initEntity(this._config.secondary_info, mainStateObj), } : {}; } } checkEntity(config) { if (config && typeof config === 'object' && !(config.entity || config.attribute || config.icon)) { throw new Error(`Entity object requires at least one 'entity', 'attribute' or 'icon'.`); } else if (config && typeof config === 'string' && config === '') { throw new Error('Entity ID string must not be blank.'); } else if (config && typeof config !== 'string' && typeof config !== 'object') { throw new Error('Entity config must be a valid entity ID string or entity object.'); } } checkToggle(config, stateObj) { return config.toggle === true && stateObj.state && ![UNKNOWN, UNAVAILABLE].includes(stateObj.state) } initEntity(config, mainStateObj) { if (!config) return null; const entity = typeof config === 'string' ? config : config.entity; const stateObj = entity ? (this._hass && this._hass.states[entity]) : mainStateObj; if (config.hide_unavailable && (!stateObj || [UNKNOWN, UNAVAILABLE].includes(stateObj.state))) return null; if (!stateObj) return {value: this._hass.localize('state.default.unavailable'), unavailable: true}; return { stateObj: stateObj, name: entity ? this.entityName(config.name, stateObj) : (config.name || null), value: config.attribute !== undefined ? this.entityAttribute(stateObj, config.attribute) : this.entityStateValue(stateObj), unit: config.unit === false ? null : config.attribute !== undefined ? config.unit : (config.unit || stateObj.attributes.unit_of_measurement), unavailable: [UNKNOWN, UNAVAILABLE].includes(config.attribute !== undefined ? stateObj.attributes[config.attribute] : stateObj.state), toggle: this.checkToggle(config, stateObj), icon: config.icon === true ? (stateObj.attributes.icon || null) : config.icon, format: config.format || false, state_color: config.state_color || false, style: this.entityStyles(config), onClick: this.getAction(config.tap_action, stateObj.entity_id), }; } entityName(name, stateObj) { if (name === false) return null; if (name !== undefined) return name; return stateObj.attributes.friendly_name === undefined ? stateObj.entity_id.substr(stateObj.entity_id.indexOf('.') + 1).replace(/_/g, ' ') : stateObj.attributes.friendly_name || ''; } entityAttribute(stateObj, attribute) { return (attribute in stateObj.attributes) ? stateObj.attributes[attribute] : this._hass.localize('state.default.unavailable'); } entityStateValue(stateObj) { if (stateObj.state === UNKNOWN || stateObj.state === UNAVAILABLE) { return this._hass.localize(`state.default.${stateObj.state}`); } const domain = stateObj.entity_id.substr(0, stateObj.entity_id.indexOf('.')); return ( (stateObj.attributes.device_class && this._hass.localize(`component.${domain}.state.${stateObj.attributes.device_class}.${stateObj.state}`)) || this._hass.localize(`component.${domain}.state._.${stateObj.state}`) || stateObj.state ); } entityStyles(config) { return config.styles && typeof config.styles === 'object' ? Object.keys(config.styles).map(key => `${key}: ${config.styles[key]};`).join('') : ''; } getAction(config, entityId) { if (!config || !config.action || config.action === 'more-info') { return () => this.fireEvent(this, 'hass-more-info', {entityId: (config && config.entity) || entityId}); } if (config.action === 'none') { return null; } return () => { if (config.confirmation) { this.forwardHaptic('warning'); if (!confirm(config.confirmation === true ? `Are you sure?` : config.confirmation)) { return; } } switch (config.action) { case 'call-service': { if (!config.service) { this.forwardHaptic('failure'); return; } const [domain, service] = config.service.split('.'); this._hass.callService(domain, service, config.service_data); this.forwardHaptic('light'); break; } case 'toggle': { this.toggleEntity(entityId); this.forwardHaptic('light'); break; } case 'url': { if (config.url_path) { window.open(config.url_path); } break; } case 'navigate': { if (config.navigation_path) { history.pushState(null, '', config.navigation_path); this.fireEvent(window, 'location-changed', {replace: false}); } break; } } } } toggleEntity(entityId) { const turnOn = ["closed", "locked", "off"].includes(this._hass.states[entityId].state); const stateDomain = entityId.split('.')[0]; const serviceDomain = stateDomain === "group" ? "homeassistant" : stateDomain; let service; switch (stateDomain) { case "lock": service = turnOn ? "unlock" : "lock"; break; case "cover": service = turnOn ? "open_cover" : "close_cover"; break; default: service = turnOn ? "turn_on" : "turn_off"; } this._hass.callService(serviceDomain, service, {entity_id: entityId}); } fireEvent(node, type, detail = {}, options = {}) { const event = new Event(type, { bubbles: options.bubbles || true, cancelable: options.cancelable || true, composed: options.composed || true, }); event.detail = detail; node.dispatchEvent(event); } forwardHaptic(type) { const event = new Event('haptic', {bubbles: true, cancelable: false, composed: true}); event.detail = type; this.dispatchEvent(event); } secondsToDuration(sec) { const h = Math.floor(sec / 3600); const m = Math.floor((sec % 3600) / 60); const s = Math.floor((sec % 3600) % 60); const leftPad = (num) => (num < 10 ? `0${num}` : num); if (h > 0) return `${h}:${leftPad(m)}:${leftPad(s)}`; if (m > 0) return `${m}:${leftPad(s)}`; if (s > 0) return `${s}`; return null; } } customElements.define('multiple-entity-row', MultipleEntityRow); })(window.LitElement || Object.getPrototypeOf(customElements.get('hui-masonry-view') || customElements.get('hui-view')));