import DeviceHttpDataSource from './DeviceDataSource'; import { List } from 'immutable'; import { reportDeviceData } from '../state/ActionCreators'; import { PeakDetectorSimple} from './PeakDetection'; // todo: put in settings? const NUM_MEASUREMENTS_PER_SECOND = 10; const WINDOW_SIZE_SECS = 5; // This is the main data processing entry point, coupling between device and redux store // - periodically fetch data // - feeds them to analysis, (manages analysis classes) // - adds them to redux store class DataProcessing { constructor(reduxStore) { = reduxStore;; this.state =; this.dataSource = null; //console.log("state", this.state); console.assert(this.state.session.running === false, "Created DataProcessing with running=True"); this.onDataSourceChanged(this.state.settings.deviceURL); this.rawMeasurements = List(); this.sessionStartTime = 0; this.peakDetectorSimple = new PeakDetectorSimple(this.state.settings.peakDetectorSimpleThreshold); this.peaks = List(); } onStateChange = () => { const newState =; //console.log("DataProcessing state change", this.state, newState); if (newState.settings.deviceURL !== this.state.settings.deviceURL) this.onDataSourceChanged(newState.settings.deviceURL); if (newState.session.running && !this.state.session.running) { this.onRunningChanged(newState.session.running); }; if(newState.settings.peakDetectorSimpleThreshold !== this.state.settings.peakDetectorSimpleThreshold) { this.peakDetectorSimple = new PeakDetectorSimple(newState.settings.peakDetectorSimpleThreshold, this.onNewPeak); this.peaks = List(this.peakDetectorSimple.addVector(this.rawMeasurements)); }; this.state = newState; } onDataSourceChanged = (newDeviceURL) => { if (this.dataSource !== null) { this.dataSource.stop(); this.dataSource = null; } this.dataSource = new DeviceHttpDataSource(this.newDeviceURL + "/api/session/data", this.onNewData); } onRunningChanged = (running, deviceURL) => { if (running) { //console.log("Starting session"); let req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", deviceURL + "/api/session/start"); this.dataSource.startIndex = 0; this.dataSource.start(); } else { //console.log("Stopping session");"GET", deviceURL + "/api/session/stop"); this.dataSource.stop(); this.dataSource.startIndex = 0; } } onNewData = (data) => { data.values; data.sessionStartTime; data.startIndex; let success = false; if (data.sessionStartTime === this.sessionStartTime && data.startIndex === this.rawMeasurements.length) { // normal case, add received data to measurement array this.rawMeasurements.concat(List(data.values)); this.analyzeNewMeasurements(data.startIndex); success = true; } else if (data.startIndex === 0) { // new start this.sessionStartTime = data.sessionStartTime; this.rawMeasurements = List(data.values); success = true; } else { // missed some data -> re-query this.dataSource.startIndex = 0; this.sessionStartTime = 0; //console.log("Problem: got non-consequtive data. Received:", data, // "Own state ", { startTime: this.sessionStartTime, values: this.rawMeasurements }); } if (success) { const analysis = this.analyzeNewMeasurements(data.startIndex);, data.startIndex, this.rawMeasurements, analysis)); } } analyzeNewMeasurements = (newDataStartIdx) => { const newPeaks = this.peakDetectorSimple.addVector(this.rawMeasurements.slice(newDataStartIdx)); this.peaks = this.peaks.concat(List(newPeaks)); const totalMomentum = this.rawMeasurements.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0); const peakMax = this.rawMeasurements.reduce((running, x) => max(x, running), 0); // windowed quantities const windowSizeMeasurements = WINDOW_SIZE_SECS * NUM_MEASUREMENTS_PER_SECOND; const windowedSeq = this.rawMeasurements.slice(-windowSizeMeasurements); const peakMaxWindow = windowedSeq.reduce((running, x) => max(x, running), 0); const momentumWindow = windowedSeq.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0); return { peaks: this.peaks, totalTime: this.rawMeasurements.length / NUM_MEASUREMENTS_PER_SECOND, activeTime: 0, totalMomentum: totalMomentum, peakFrequency: 0, peakMax: peakMax, // windowed quantities momentumWindow: momentumWindow, frequencyWindow: 0, peakMaxWindow: peakMaxWindow, } }; }; export default DataProcessing;