import ReconnectingWebSocket from 'reconnecting-websocket'; import * as msgpack from 'msgpack-lite'; const OpCodes = { // from swim tracker device to frontend ERROR: 1, INITIAL_INFO: 2, SESSION_STARTED: 3, SESSION_STOPPED: 4, SESSION_NEW_DATA: 5, ANSWER_USER_LIST: 6, ANSWER_SESSION_LIST: 7, WIFI_STATE_RESPONSE: 8, WIFI_SCAN_RESPONSE: 9, APP_LAYER_PING: 10, // from frontend to device START_SESSION: 128, STOP_SESSION: 129, TARE: 130, QUERY_USER_LIST: 131, QUERY_SESSION_LIST: 132, WIFI_STATE_SET: 133, WIFI_STATE_GET: 134, WIFI_TRIGGER_SCAN: 135, }; const HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 3000; const PROVISIONING_IP = ""; export default class SwimTrackerWebsocketConnection { constructor(swimTrackerHost, onData, onStarted, onStopped, onWifiStateInfo, onConnect, onDisconnect) { this.swimTrackerHost = swimTrackerHost; this.onData = onData; this.onStarted = onStarted; this.onStopped = onStopped; this.onWifiStateInfo = onWifiStateInfo; this.onConnect = onConnect; this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; // try configured URL and provisioning URL const urls = [`ws://${swimTrackerHost}:81`, `ws://${PROVISIONING_IP}:81`]; let urlIndex = 0; const urlProvider = () => urls[urlIndex++ % urls.length]; // round robin url provider = new ReconnectingWebSocket(urlProvider, [], { maxReconnectionDelay: 3000 }); = this._onMessage; = this.onConnect; = this.onDisconnect; = this._onError; = 'arraybuffer'; this.msgpackCodec = msgpack.createCodec(); this.msgpackCodec.addExtUnpacker(205, function (byteArr) { const buffer = byteArr.buffer.slice(byteArr.byteOffset, byteArr.byteLength + byteArr.byteOffset); const result = new Int16Array(buffer); return result; }); this._wifiScanPromises = []; this.pingTimeout = null; } heartbeat() { clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout); let connection = this; this.pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if( !== null); }, HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT); } close() { if ( !== null) { = null; = null; = null; = null;; = null; } } sendStartCommand() { this._sendMsg(OpCodes.START_SESSION); } sendStopCommand() { this._sendMsg(OpCodes.STOP_SESSION); } sendTareCommand = () => { this._sendMsg(OpCodes.TARE); } scanWifiNetworks() { console.log("Trigger wifi scan"); this._sendMsg(OpCodes.WIFI_TRIGGER_SCAN); let conn = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { conn._wifiScanPromises.push({ resolve: resolve, reject: reject }); }); } sendTareCommand = () => { this._sendMsg(OpCodes.WIFI_STATE_SET, { "reset_to_provisioning": true, }); } wifiSetModeAP(password) { this._sendMsg(OpCodes.WIFI_STATE_SET, { "ap_password": password, }); } wifiSetModeSTA(ssid, password) { console.log("Setting sta mode", ssid, password); this._sendMsg(OpCodes.WIFI_STATE_SET, { "sta_ssid": ssid, "sta_password": password, }); } _sendMsg(code, data) { let msg = undefined; if (data) { const serializedData = msgpack.encode(data); msg = new Uint8Array([code, ...serializedData]); } else { msg = new Uint8Array(1); msg[0] = code; }; } _onMessage = (e) => { const dv = new DataView(; const opCode = dv.getInt8(0); const payload = new Uint8Array(; this.heartbeat(); if (opCode === OpCodes.INITIAL_INFO) { const headerSize = 6; const running = Boolean(dv.getInt8(1)); const sessionId = dv.getUint32(2); if (running && > headerSize) { const data = new Uint16Array(; this.onStarted(sessionId); this.onData(data); } else this.onStopped(); } else if (opCode === OpCodes.SESSION_STARTED) { const sessionId = dv.getUint32(1); this.onStarted(sessionId); } else if (opCode === OpCodes.SESSION_STOPPED) { this.onStopped(); } else if (opCode === OpCodes.SESSION_NEW_DATA) { const data = new Uint16Array(; this.onData(data); } else if (opCode === OpCodes.WIFI_SCAN_RESPONSE) { const scanResult = msgpack.decode(payload, { codec: this.msgpackCodec }); for (let i = 0; i < this._wifiScanPromises.length; ++i) { this._wifiScanPromises[i].resolve(scanResult); } this._wifiScanPromises.length = 0; } else if (opCode === OpCodes.WIFI_STATE_RESPONSE) { const wifiInfo = msgpack.decode(payload, { codec: this.msgpackCodec }); this.onWifiStateInfo(wifiInfo); } else if (opCode === OpCodes.APP_LAYER_PING) { //console.log("got heartbeat"); } } _onError = (ev) => { console.log("Websocket error", ev); } };