
122 lines
4.1 KiB

import struct
import locale
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US')
# sizeof(esp_image_header_t) + sizeof(esp_image_segment_header_t)
# sizeof(esp_app_desc_t)
APP_DESC_STRUCT = "<II2I32s32s16s16s32s32B20I"
AppDesc = namedtuple('AppDesc',
def version_number_from_git(tag_prefix='release/', sha_length=10, version_format="{version}.dev{commits}+{sha}"):
def get_released_versions():
tags = sorted(subprocess.getoutput('git tag').split('\n'))
versions = [t[len(tag_prefix):]
for t in tags if t.startswith(tag_prefix)]
return versions
def tag_from_version(v):
return tag_prefix + v
def increment_version(v):
parsed_version = [int(i) for i in v.split('.')]
parsed_version[-1] += 1
return '.'.join(str(i) for i in parsed_version)
version_strings = get_released_versions()
latest_release = version_strings[-1]
commits_since_tag = subprocess.getoutput(
'git rev-list {}..HEAD --count'.format(tag_from_version(latest_release)))
sha = subprocess.getoutput('git rev-parse HEAD')[:sha_length]
is_dirty = len(subprocess.getoutput(
"git status --untracked-files=no -s")) > 0
if int(commits_since_tag) == 0:
version_string = latest_release
next_version = increment_version(latest_release)
version_string = version_format.format(
version=next_version, commits=commits_since_tag, sha=sha)
if is_dirty:
version_string += ".dirty"
return version_string
def read_app_description(file_name):
def process_bytes(b):
if not isinstance(b, bytes):
return b
s = b.decode()
return s[:s.find("\x00")]
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
f.seek(APP_DESC_OFFSET, 0)
raw_app_desc = f.read(APP_DESC_SIZE)
unpacked = struct.unpack(APP_DESC_STRUCT, raw_app_desc)
unpacked = tuple(process_bytes(e) for e in unpacked)
magic_word, secure_version, _, _, version, project_name, time, date, idf_ver, app_elf_sha256, *_ = unpacked
assert magic_word == 0xABCD5432
return AppDesc(secure_version, version, project_name, time, date, idf_ver, app_elf_sha256)
def patch_app_description(file_name, version, project_name, time, date):
assert len(version) < 32
assert len(project_name) < 32
assert len(time) < 16
assert len(date) < 16
def fill_zeros(s, total_length):
s += "\x00" * (total_length - len(s))
s = s.encode()
assert len(s) == total_length
return s
with open(file_name, 'r+b') as f:
f.seek(APP_DESC_OFFSET, 0)
raw_app_desc = f.read(APP_DESC_SIZE)
unpacked = list(struct.unpack(APP_DESC_STRUCT, raw_app_desc))
unpacked[4] = fill_zeros(version, 32)
unpacked[5] = fill_zeros(project_name, 32)
unpacked[6] = fill_zeros(time, 16)
unpacked[7] = fill_zeros(date, 16)
packed = struct.pack(APP_DESC_STRUCT, *unpacked)
f.seek(APP_DESC_OFFSET, 0)
def add_info_to_firmware(firmware_file, version):
now = datetime.now()
date = now.strftime("%b %d %Y")
time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
patch_app_description(firmware_file, version=version,
project_name="swimtracker.bauer.tech", time=time, date=date)
if __name__ == "__main__":
fimware_file = ".pio/build/esp32/firmware.bin"
patch_app_description(fimware_file, version="myversion",
project_name="swimtracker.bauer.tech", time="22:16:12", date="Feb 20 2020")