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2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
import aiomqtt
import json
import asyncio
from time import time
from pathlib import Path
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, deque
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from typing import Dict, Optional, List
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
BtleMeasurement = namedtuple("BtleMeasurement", ["time", "tracker", "address", "rssi", "tx_power"])
BtleDeviceMeasurement = namedtuple("BtleDeviceMeasurement", ["time", "device", "tracker", "rssi", "tx_power"])
MqttInfo = namedtuple("MqttInfo", ["server", "username", "password"])
# ------------------------------------------------------- DECODING -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DeviceDecoder:
"""Decode bluetooth addresses - either simple ones (just address to name) or random changing ones like Apple devices using irk keys"""
def __init__(self, irk_to_devicename: Dict[str, str], address_to_name: Dict[str, str]):
address_to_name: dictionary from bt address as string separated by ":" to a device name
irk_to_devicename is dict with irk as a hex string, mapping to device name
self.irk_to_devicename = {bytes.fromhex(k): v for k, v in irk_to_devicename.items()}
self.address_to_name = address_to_name
def _resolve_rpa(rpa: bytes, irk: bytes) -> bool:
"""Compares the random address rpa to an irk (secret key) and return True if it matches"""
assert len(rpa) == 6
assert len(irk) == 16
key = irk
plain_text = b"\x00" * 16
plain_text = bytearray(plain_text)
plain_text[15] = rpa[3]
plain_text[14] = rpa[4]
plain_text[13] = rpa[5]
plain_text = bytes(plain_text)
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(plain_text)
return cipher_text[15] == rpa[0] and cipher_text[14] == rpa[1] and cipher_text[13] == rpa[2]
def _addr_to_bytes(addr: str) -> bytes:
"""Converts a bluetooth mac address string with semicolons to bytes"""
str_without_colons = addr.replace(":", "")
bytearr = bytearray.fromhex(str_without_colons)
return bytes(bytearr)
def decode(self, addr: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""addr is a bluetooth address as a string e.g. 4d:24:12:12:34:10"""
for irk, name in self.irk_to_devicename.items():
if DeviceDecoder._resolve_rpa(DeviceDecoder._addr_to_bytes(addr), irk):
return name
return self.address_to_name.get(addr, None)
def __call__(self, m: BtleMeasurement) -> Optional[BtleDeviceMeasurement]:
decoded_device_name = self.decode(m.address)
if not decoded_device_name:
return None
return BtleDeviceMeasurement(m.time, decoded_device_name, m.tracker, m.rssi, m.tx_power)
# ------------------------------------------------------- MACHINE LEARNING ----------------------------------------------------------------
class KnownRoomCsvLogger:
"""Logs known room measurements to be used later as training data for classifier"""
def __init__(self, csv_file: Path):
self.known_room = None
if csv_file.exists():
self.csv_file_handle = open(csv_file, "a")
self.csv_file_handle = open(csv_file, "w")
print(f"#time,device,tracker,rssi,tx_power,known_room", file=csv_file)
def update_known_room(self, known_room: str):
if known_room != self.known_room:"Updating known_room {self.known_room} -> {known_room}")
self.known_room = known_room
def report_measure(self, m: BtleDeviceMeasurement):
ignore_rooms = ("keins", "?", "none", "unknown")
if self.known_room is None or self.known_room in ignore_rooms:
return"Appending to training set: {m}")
class RunningFeatureVector:
MIN_TIME_UNTIL_PREDICTION = 40 # wait until every reachable tracker detected the device
TIME_TO_DELETE_IF_NOT_SEEN = 30 # if device wasn't spotted for this time period, the measure is set to inf
def __init__(self, trackers: List[str]):
self.trackers = trackers
self.feature_vecs_per_device = defaultdict(lambda: [self.FAR_AWAY_FEATURE_VALUE] * len(trackers))
self.last_measurements = deque()
self.tracker_name_to_idx = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(trackers)}
self.start_time = None
def _get_feature_value(rssi, tx_power):
"""Transforms rssi and tx power into a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is close and 1 is far away"""
MIN_RSSI = -90
v = tx_power - rssi - MAX_TRANSFORMED_RSSI
if v < 0:
v = 0
return v / (-MIN_RSSI)
def add_measurement(self, new_measurement: BtleDeviceMeasurement):
if self.start_time is None:
self.start_time = new_measurement.time
while len(self.last_measurements) > 0 and new_measurement.time - self.last_measurements[0].time > self.TIME_TO_DELETE_IF_NOT_SEEN:
feature_vec = [self.FAR_AWAY_FEATURE_VALUE] * len(self.trackers)
for m in self.last_measurements:
if m.device == new_measurement.device:
tracker_idx = self.tracker_name_to_idx[m.tracker]
feature_vec[tracker_idx] = self._get_feature_value(m.rssi, m.tx_power)
return feature_vec if new_measurement.time - self.start_time > self.MIN_TIME_UNTIL_PREDICTION else None
def training_data_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, device_to_train: str):
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
"""Returns a feature matrix (num_measurement, num_trackers) and a label vector (both numeric) to be used in scikit learn"""
trackers = list(df["tracker"].cat.categories)
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
idx_to_room = dict(enumerate(df["known_room"].cat.categories))
room_to_idx = {v: k for k, v in idx_to_room.items()}
last_known_room = None
features = []
labels = []
feature_accumulator = RunningFeatureVector(trackers)
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
# Feature vectors - rssi column for each room
for i, row in df.iterrows():
time, device, tracker, rssi, tx_power, known_room = row
m = BtleDeviceMeasurement(time, device, tracker, rssi, tx_power)
if device != device_to_train:
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
if last_known_room != known_room:
feature_accumulator = RunningFeatureVector(trackers) # reset for new room
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
last_known_room = known_room
feature_vec = feature_accumulator.add_measurement(m)
if feature_vec is not None:
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
return np.array(features), np.array(labels)
def load_measurements_from_csv(csv_file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Load csv with training data into dataframe"""
def cleanup_column_name(col_name: str):
return col_name.replace("#", "").strip()
df = pd.read_csv(str(csv_file))
# String cleanup in column names and room names
df = df.rename(columns=cleanup_column_name) x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x)
df["tracker"] = df["tracker"].astype("category")
df["known_room"] = df["known_room"].astype("category")
df['device'] = df['device'].astype("category")
return df
async def send_discovery_messages(mqtt_client, device_names):
for device_name in device_names:
topic = f"homeassistant/sensor/my_btmonitor/{device_name}/config"
msg = {
"name": device_name,
"state_topic": f"my_btmonitor/ml/{device_name}",
"expire_after": 30,
"unique_id": device_name,
await mqtt_client.publish(topic, json.dumps(msg).encode(), retain=True)
async def async_main(
mqtt_info: MqttInfo,
trackers: List[str],
devices: List[str],
device_decoder: DeviceDecoder,
training_data_logger: KnownRoomCsvLogger,
current_rooms = defaultdict(lambda: "unknown")
feature_accumulator = RunningFeatureVector(trackers)
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
async with aiomqtt.Client(
hostname=mqtt_info.server, username=mqtt_info.username, password=mqtt_info.password
) as client:
await send_discovery_messages(client, devices)
await client.subscribe("my_btmonitor/#")
async for message in client.messages:
current_time = time()
topic = message.topic
if topic.value == "my_btmonitor/known_room":
splitted_topic = message.topic.value.split("/")
if splitted_topic[0] == "my_btmonitor" and splitted_topic[1] == "raw_measurements":
msg_json = json.loads(message.payload)
measurement = BtleMeasurement(
tx_power=msg_json.get("tx_power", 0),
logging.debug(f"Got Measurement {measurement}")
m = device_decoder(measurement)
if m is not None:
logging.debug(f"Decoded Measurement {m}")
feature_vec =feature_accumulator.add_measurement(m)
if feature_vec:
feature_str={tracker : value for tracker, value in zip(trackers, feature_vec)}
logging.debug(f"Features: {feature_str}")
if feature_vec is not None and classifier is not None:
room = classifier(m.device, feature_vec)
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
if room != current_rooms[m.device]:"{m.device} moved room {current_rooms[m.device]} to {room}")
current_rooms[m.device] = room
await client.publish(f"my_btmonitor/ml/{m.device}", room.encode())
def get_classification_func(training_df: pd.DataFrame, log_classifier_scores=True):
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
devices_to_track = list(training_df["device"].unique())
classifiers = {}
rooms = list(training_df["known_room"].dtype.categories)
for device_to_track in devices_to_track:
features, labels = training_data_from_df(training_df, device_to_track)
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
clf = svm.SVC(kernel="rbf")"Computing cross validation score for {device_to_track}")
if log_classifier_scores:
scores = cross_val_score(clf, features, labels, cv=5)" %0.2f accuracy with a standard deviation of %0.2f" % (scores.mean(), scores.std()))"Training SVM classifier for {device_to_track}"), labels)
classifiers[device_to_track] = clf
def classify(device_name, feature_vec):
room_idx = classifiers[device_name].predict([feature_vec])[0]
return rooms[room_idx]
return classify
if __name__ == "__main__":
mqtt_info = MqttInfo(server="", username="my_btmonitor", password="8aBIAC14jaKKbla")
# Dict with bt addresses as strings to device name
address_to_name = {}
# Devices with random addresses - need irk key
irk_to_devicename = {
"aa67542b82c0e05d65c27fb7e313aba5": "martins_apple_watch",
"840e3892644c1ebd1594a9069c14ce0d": "martins_iphone",
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
data_file = Path(script_path) / Path("training_data.csv")
2024-03-11 20:54:28 +01:00
training_df = load_measurements_from_csv(data_file)
classification_func = get_classification_func(training_df)
training_data_logger = KnownRoomCsvLogger(data_file)
device_decoder = DeviceDecoder(irk_to_devicename, address_to_name)
trackers = list(training_df["tracker"].cat.categories)
devices = list(training_df['device'].cat.categories), trackers, devices, classification_func, device_decoder, training_data_logger))