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Web Socket Protocol Draft


  • fast when necessary (not even msgpack overhead)
    • sending live data updates
  • easy otherwise, based on msgpack
    • sending existing measured data

Message Format

  • 1byte "opcode" (if lower than threshold, probably 8, pure binary msg, otherwise msgpack)
  • msgpack data, or custom binary data

class WebsocketConnection
  sendMessage(opcode, optionalData); // optional data is packed via msgpck
  registerMessageReceive(func, singleShot);
  request(opcode, data, onReplyFunc); // with futures, async
      // register a single shot receive that calls the "onReplyFunc", or promise

class WebsocketInterface 
  virtual bool onMessageReceived(websockets::WebsocketsClient &client)


  WebsocketServer * server_;

class SessionWebsocketInterface


class WebsocketServer
  void sendToAll(char * data, size_t size);

  void registerInterface(WebsocketInterface *);

can this be done with static polymorphism as well? does std::tuple and std::apply work?! -> test